Jā, jā, jā- rīt arī man ir pirmais eksāmens. Un ko es šodien daru, lai gadavotos? NEKO!! Nogulēju atkal līdz divpadsmitiem, un tagad, tā vietā lai mācītos, vai vismaz taisītu špikerus, es pāršķirstu tenku lapeles un apskatu vakardienas People Choice Awards sarkano paklāju.
Tā tik turēt, un es stabili no budžeta izlidošu!!/
That day is finally here- tomorrow I have my first university exam. And what I'm doing today? NOTHING!! I slept (again) till lunch, and now, no, no, no, I'm not studying, I'm reading gossip on the internet and checking out People Choice Awards red carpet moments.
You go girl- keep studying like this, and you won't get your scholarship for next year!!!
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